“The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away.” - Pablo Picasso

All souls on this planet have a reason for being - a Dharma.  The deepest and common purpose of all of us, is Love.  We are here to be and express and sing love alive with our unique gifts and talents.  Each of us, in getting to know ourselves, must find our more particular purpose in life, and offer it up in service to humanity, if we are to know real fulfillment and vitality.  My father had prized car.  He rarely drove it.  He left it locked in the garage as a show piece and polished it regularly with a cloth diaper - I’m not kidding.  When he did drive it, he was so stressed out that it might get a scratch or become dusty from our dirt road, or that someone would look it it askance, and somehow ruin it.  I was always perplexed as a child, watching his process.  At the wise age of 16, the voice in my heart told me:  “People are for loving and things are for using (and, for properly maintaining without obsession)”.  When we are overly fixated on our positions and possessions, we forget our real role and identity in life - to be used for Love.  Straying from our real path, creates dis-ease.  I know this.  I’ve walked it.  

The departed and wise teacher, Yogi Bhajan proclaims that a man’s worth is not in what he has (possessions) or what he does (titles and positions), but in what he gives (service).  He meant this specifically for men, but also for all humans.  I, for one, do not want to be garaged.  I want to offer my gifts in service, to fill my own heart in the giving, and to help uplift others.  I want my full heart’s potential to be used and opened, in my relationships.  I vow everyday to live for Love, and to continually shed and unmask any superficialities in my life, despite the pain it may cause to my ego.  I use Black Pepper essential oil to remind me of my covenant to continually strip, so my deeper, true radiance may shine.  

Black Pepper essential oil helps us to get to the hard core center, the fire, the black pearl of our existence.  When we think of the peppercorn, we see the seed or the fire of life.  Its spice reminds us that the hot nucleus within us can serve our passions and desires and burn as a hot coal in our perennial hearth, in order to sustain our purpose in life.  Black pepper has no desire for fluff and fineries.  Unassuming, and on point, Pepper provides drive - drive in alignment with our deepest heart.  

The carminative nature of this plant provides a profound warming capacity to our bodies, and our spirits.  It lights the flames within, re-connecting us with desire, fertility, strength, and endurance.  It is highly anti-toxic, increases circulation in our bodies, works on all levels to support digestive health, alleviates stagnation in our sinuses and breathing, is an anti-convulsive, and aids as a CNS tonic.  Fire up your soul, burn out impurities in your body and mind, and jump into your calling!