Fir Noble, Fir Grand, make no mistake about it, these trees are truly royals!  Tall, straight, divine expressions of what it means to be clear, to seek the highest expression and clarity. This oil is wonderful for all respiratory distress and dis-ease.  asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, and coughs and colds.  Highly anti septic, astringent, and anti-tumor/cancer.  This oils will support us when we need adrenal support, and help us to resolve and transcend generation patterns or wounds that ask to be healed.  

Looking at her cones, they remind me of some strange pod or cocoon from an alien planet, and I welcome her in as I work with her, to help me harmonize my ego’s plan with what my heart is actually asking of me - to get still, to get clear, to breath deep, and move instead, from that blessed place.