Phyto-Aromatherapy is the WAY HOME…
All the words with prefix “RE” are in vogue right now: re-connect, re-member, re-clamation, re-deem, re-turn, etc…
Living in harmony and in close contact and proximity to Nature IS the way home- to return to our Origin. And so we are re-tuning our instruments and coming home. In more ways than one.
Many of the essences help us in this big, powerful transition. Whenever we experience major life changes, rights of passages, or transitions, we can rely on the grounding and supportive properties of essential oils, for I guarantee you the plants and trees have seen an infinitely larger number of cycles on this planet than we have…and so they have evolved and adapted and learned, as all living things do. We are veritable toddlers in the grand scheme, I assure you. The grounding effects of the following come to mind:
- Calamus for vertigo symptoms and sensitivity to electromagnetic chaos resulting from so many wireless devices and massive increase in technological advances
- Vetiver for helping us really ground into mother Earth and feel stable and balanced
-Geranium for all passages, and specifically for women and hormonal balance in all stages of life
-Galbanum as one of the oldest, continuously used anointing essences in many cultures, for rights of passage