The moment aspiration meets inspiration, we join the current of life.  My time living at the confluence of two gorgeous rivers in Colorado, taught me that.  To as-pire, means to welcome in spirit and move forward, towards it.  To in-spire, means to open our passageways, the head-gate, and allow the fresh, clean supply of creativity to wash in and wash away stagnancy.  This very inherent, but often buried wisdom, within each and every one of us, begins to speak as a whisper.  After years of putting off its needs and silencing its plea, it begins to roar.  The Roaring Fork River did indeed roar.  Some nights I could scarcely succumb to slumber, for its power.  Flow like that purifies everything to a sparkle, so our wit and wisdom can take, again, the reigns of our life.  Next to wit and wisdom, sit the newness of our child-like inspirations.

The joining of seeking guidance from our child and our sage, harmonize to manifest delight and “rightness” in our present.  Listen to the sound of your inspire in life, and grow towards the light in your actions, just as a plant or tree does in reaching for the sun, interminably.  These waters, my friends, are the source of all creativity.

Using Clary Sage essential oil in meditations, I place it between my brows.  I anoint and conjoin the teachings of the Left and Right Eyes of Horus, and the oil penetrates my pineal gland, or Third Eye.  The “Cerebri Epiphysis” or Pineal Gland, gets its name from the bifurcating end points of a long bone - as in the condylar heads of a femur.  The “head” or eye of the Divine Feminine as taught by Isis, and the “head” or eye of the Sacred Masculine as taught by Osiris, forms the schooling of Horus, or the blessed child of their union.  In creating and enlivening The Third, of anything in life when two come together in unison, show us the elevated path.  To put it more plainly, Clary Sage brings balance and union to our vision, so we can see higher and clearer.  Just take an eye exam at the doctor’s office, and we all see better when both eyes are uncovered.  The “clary” or clear, part of the name of the plant, re-educates us to really see through the eyes of the wise ones.  The “sage” aspect of her, confirms and consecrates the purification in so doing.  Constriction is pain, expansion of consciousness and beliefs and emotions and love, are the healing.

On this one, I leave you with clear vision as you explore this oil, so you may use your own powers to illuminate for yourselves, her many gifts on the physical, mental, and emotional planes.  Listen and learn.