Guava Essence

Nature gives us the whole pharmacopeia in our backyard, in its fullness, in its wholeness.  As soon as we parcel out and partition things, we lose the full range of its healing and incur side effects.  Pharmaceuticals show us time and again this Law of Nature.  We cannot improve on Nature’s design, because we ARE part of nature and do not stand outside its Universal Laws.  Dr. Andrew Weil said once:  “Pharmaceuticals take the intelligence out of a plant (because all pharmaceuticals come from plants initially and their healing chemo-types) and leave the wisdom behind (as represented in its wholeness)”

The Guava Tree reminded me of this beautiful paradigm today.  Eat too many Guava’s and you will get diarrhea and yet, at the tail end of the fruit, in its wholeness, you’ll find red-ish leaves that contain, yes, you guessed it, the antidote.  So too with all essential oils, because they include the intelligence of nature AND the wisdom, the whole plant parts and not just isolated chemo-types.  The oils remind me daily that the same principles apply for us as humans….so what happens when WE show up whole?  What wisdom do we cut out of our experience when we isolate and truncate aspects of ourselves?  Invite essential oils into your daily life as supporters and guides and they will work on you, body, mind, and soul, on your full being.  I bow to them with deep gratitude.