People tell us to stand tall, to stand proud, and to take a stand.  Well, what do we stand for?  Who do we stand with?  What can we stand on?  The old roots of this word stand, allude to a pause or delay.  I say yes.  We cannot stand, not truly, until we pause to consider all the above questions.  Discernment must come in to fortify this process, and it is a life long process.  We evolve after many times of falling, and stumbling and bruising, to come to understand when and how we must show up more upright, and why.  We come to understand the consequences of not standing in integrity and honoring our voice and our truth.  Sometimes, or I advocate that often, when the weight feels just several ounces too heavy, it is entirely fair to use a crutch.  

White Birch serves as the most glorious cane, while our legs find their inner and true fortitude.  White Birch tree elicits the heart we need to stay the course.  This essential oil has helped many in times of need.  The beauty and regality of this tree always shows us the power of alignment - alignment with our authentic roots, alignment with our soul’s striving, alignment with our “sea legs”.  When we embrace all the forces out there to assist us in our grandest and most glorious heights, we can  indeed, feel supported and take our first step again, alone and whole.  Natives of my beautiful country have counted on the Birch tree for millennia to help bring our true alignment back to bear.  Many a human has relied on the Birch bark to form a cast on a broken bone, or thanked the sap or syrup for healings.  

For, when we honor our real need to just pause and admit our wobble, we create a delay to call on all our angels and friends and sense of purpose.  Then, like a child we can take that step again with tenuous wonder, unconcerned if we stumble again, for the desire to locomote and grow becomes stronger than any fear.  This blessed pause, a place of recalibration, of gathering,, of formulating, ALWAYS proves valuable and catalytic.  The deliberation, even when we seek help, is where true power comes from.  I assure you: when Rosa Parks paused, and then stood, she was unshakable - and we have her to thank for her clarity!