The bony, nodular protuberances of the Cypress tree, when it grows near abundant water, stand like some brand of sentinel in the swamp, making a fortress of sorts around the tree itself.  Our joints, as they jut out in the world, represent both armor and vulnerability.  Think of the knee cap:  the patella takes more than its share of blows in life as a shield, yet, they are also a very vulnerable and painful foray for us, out into the wide, adventurous world.  For those reasons, the Cypress essence will work with our flexions and extensions and places of transition in our bodies, minds and spirits, that could use some attention.

Cypress teaches us the importance of movement and flow in life.  Sometimes, that movement must come out in strange and vulnerable expressions, and may require a trusting and tenuous extension on our behalf.  This reaching out can be emotional, verbal, or physical.  Ever notice how when we have a wound, it seems EVERYONE hits it?  Cypress can support us when we feel exposed and awkward, though still committing to the flow of love and energy.  This essence reminds us that even if we are not on our “A Game”, we must commit to taking the first step to jump back into the river of life, and risk muddling through with little skill.  She helps us clear things on all levels.  In her standing guard over us, she gives us courage to say the thing we have needed to say for a very long time, or helps us with pooled blood and energy that manifests as varicose veins.  There is indeed so much grace and beauty in imperfection!  We just need to adjust our view.