Make the little big and the big, little.  Because we can.  We are the ultimate calibrators in life.  We determine the scope and the power and the size and the nature of the goings on around us.  We can make a mountain out of a molehill or make a toxin out of a medicine.  We can likewise make a medicine out of a toxin.  Heilkunst, or the “art of making whole” teaches us that tiny doses of our worst perceived enemy can be our greatest ally, in the journey back to vitality and wellness.

My best friends when I was young and playing in my desert homeland, were the tarantulas.  At any given moment I had the hairy, peaceful beasts climbing all over me, even on my head and face.  I came to them with childlike wonder and innocence and love, and nothing more.  The emanations from me determined whether they were friend or foe.  I am certain my parents had no idea they are of the most poisonous and deadly of spiders.  Fortunately for me, they are also one of the most docile.  I have seen this principle work with humans too.  Once, I was in a very sketchy situation at a gas station and a man that was looking for the big, serious kind of trouble sauntered over near me.  I noticed my energy and fear and thought process kick in, and asked myself if I was helping to co-create something I really DIDN’T want.  I learned in mountain biking some extremely challenging terrain, years ago, that we must look where we WANT to go, or else the bike will indeed veer towards that rock, stump, cliff, fill in the blank, that we do not want to hit.  I shifted my approach and began to believe the most loving thoughts about this man who looked as if he could squash me in an instant, and I smiled - a genuine one.  He was taken aback, but veered away from my car and headed the other direction at once.

That person in your life teaching you the hardest lessons?  Lean in.  Love them.  Hug them, if even energetically.  Watch what happens.  The arnica plant has reminded me again and again, that it is all in the dosage…..My medicine will not look like anothers, for my wounds are often very different.  As a homeopathic, this sentient being has great efficacy.  In keeping with the historic use of Arnica Montana for muscles aches, pain, swelling and bruising, the golden yellow flower of the Asteraceae family helps us see that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I use this oil for inflammation, bruising, muscle tension or spasms, pain or tenderness in the emotional heart.  We can choose to love this mountain daisy as much as we revere our beloved Chamomile flower (a tiny millimeter of a genetic step from Arnica) and she will respond with the mirror of love that she is.